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Soft boiling eggs is an age-old preparation method and just super cool. So inherently there needs to be an even cooler product to help with the serving of them.


  1. The cups. Use these to hold your egg when serving
  2. The topper. This part is cool, you place it on top of the egg, pull all the way up on the handle and release. The topper has a tiny blade and the micro vibrations will help to score your egg. It’s also calibrated to perfectly score every time.
  3. The Spoons. These are perfectly rounded to scoop out the inside of your soft-boiled eggs. Also, these are more than egg spoons, don’t forget to add these to your serving spoon arsenal.


Prepare a soft-boiled egg.

We like to do this by bringing some water to a rolling boil and then gently lowering the eggs in with slotted spoon. Then boil for 3-5 minutes depending on your desired level of doneness. 3 minutes - Runny / 5 minutes - Slightly Set Yolk.

Set the Egg & Score

Place the egg into the cup & position the topper against the egg, hold it down with one hand and then pull up all the way on the knob with the other. Let go and the topper will score the egg.

Shimmy, Shimmy, Yay!

Give the topper a little wobble to make sure it made a clean cut and then left off at and angle, you should be able to pull the top off with the topper.

Enjoy with your Spoon.

Don't forget your spoons! They are designed specifically for scooping out eggs.


If you have any issues at all, complete a warranty claim and a member from Eparé support will help you out ASAP. 

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That’s a picture of my mom, brother, and me in 2012. I was 21 years old and she entrusted me with a small loan to start Eparé. She wanted me to make the best possible kitchen products, and the easiest way to achieve this is with your feedback! It helps me continue to improve our products and provide the best possible buying experience.

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